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Why Reusable Makeup Remover Pads are A Beauty Essential

Makeup remover pads or wipes are one of the most important and effective tools in your beauty collection, yet they can potentially be one of the most damaging to the environment and your wallet, as well.

20 million pounds of use-and-throw wipes are thrown out everyday in the United States. They take years to break down in the landfill. While your makeup remover is essential to your beauty, reusable makeup remover pads are essential to the longevity of our earth.

Keep reading to find out why you should switch to reusable makeup remover pads.

reusable cotton rounds

Avoid Inflammation if You Have Sensitive Skin

The problem with traditional makeup remover pads is that they are doused with chemicals and pesticides if they are made of cotton, which will seep into your skin and wreak havoc on all the delicately balanced organic systems in your body. Especially your hormonal function.

Even if you choose organic cotton pads, they might still have preservatives sprayed on them to make them bacteria-free. You will intake these chemicals through your skin which will then enter your bloodstream and cause a wide variety of issues. 

More than that, if you have sensitive skin, which a lot of women do now, you will want to be even more careful about using traditional makeup remover wipes on your skin. They contain preservatives and other chemicals that could cause your sensitive skin to break out or get inflamed. 

Save on Costs by Using a Reusable Makeup Remover Cloth

The great thing about using reusable makeup remover cloth is that you don't have to worry about running out right in the middle of preparing for an important event. And you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on them either.

A reusable bamboo makeup remover pad or cloth from Heba Botanica can be used over and over again, and you can even wash them once they start staining (more on that below). 

Don’t Have To Use Cleanser Any More

If you aren't a heavy makeup user, then you probably can skip using micellar water or other cleansers like that. All you need is a reusable makeup remover pad to remove any vestiges of makeup, dirt, and grime on your skin. 

Even if you are a heavy makeup user, you can use a mild cleanser and a reusable makeup remover cloth to remove your makeup before sleep. 

Interestingly enough, some reusable makeup remover pads are made of microfibre material. When you add water to the microfibre, the positive charge of the microfibre attracts the negative charge of the makeup. The fibers attach themselves to the grime on your skin which dislodges it and carries it away. 

Hurray for science! 

Avoid Aging Due to Pollution 

Did you know that one of the causes of premature aging is pollution? This happens because the pollutants in the air alight on your skin and cause inflammation and promote aging. They also lead to the onset of skin disorders and of course, lead to fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.

You have probably noticed this about your own skin when you are in the sun and traffic too much. Your skin starts getting age spots and looking less than stellar.

The problem is that it's not like we are being exposed to just minute amounts of pollution either. In some cities around the world, and in the United States, the PM2.5 levels are insanely high, so much so that you have to wear a mask around the city. 

If you live in a metropolitan city where lots of industrial and vehicle fumes are present in the atmosphere, then you will want to be extra careful with your cleansing routine. 

Not only do you want to cleanse your skin of the SPF and other products you put on every day, but also the pollution that alights on your skin from spending time in traffic and outdoors. 

A great way to do this is by double cleansing. For the first cleanse, you can use reusable pads to remove all dirt, grime, and products. 

For the second cleanse you could use a gel or foam cleanser which will remove additional oils, pollution, and any other remnants. This way you can go to bed with clean skin that has a chance to rejuvenate itself while you sleep. 

Reusable Makeup Remover is Great for Mild Exfoliation

If you have sensitive skin, you probably hate the idea of using strong exfoliating scrubs on your skin, especially on your face. Well, your reusable makeup remover pads can be your savior in this regard.

They act as a mild exfoliator on your skin with normal usage (you don't have to scrub hard with them). They aren't as harsh as a face brush would be. And they remove dead skin cells so your skin can look fresh and radiant.

Since the exfoliation is quite mild, you can use cleansing pads every day without any issues. 

Don't forget that you will want to do a proper exfoliation once a month or so using a scrub meant for the delicate skin on the face. Use vegan skincare products so you don't add to your body's toxic load.

cotton pads

Reduce Your Environmental Impact

The biggest reason you would want to switch to reusable makeup remover pads is because the traditional ones are such a huge environmental disaster. You might not think that merely cleaning your face with a pad could have such consequences but think about millions of women using these pads every day.

This results in tons and tons of remover pads that are thrown into the landfill and can take years or decades to decompose. 

One reusable makeup remover pad can potentially replace 500 disposable cotton pads. That's huge!

Also, traditional makeup remover pads are doused with tons of chemicals that wash into the water supplies and into our oceans, harming marine and aquatic life. 

Unsustainable Materials

Not only that, but traditional remover pads are made of unsustainable materials like cotton and polyester, which use a lot of water and other resources to produce. 

Reusable makeup remover pads, on the other hand, are usually made of sustainable and long-lasting materials like bamboo, organic cotton, hemp, and more. They don't require as many resources to produce, compost in landfills easily, and are less degrading to the environment. 

Clogs the Sewage System

Additionally, remember that a lot of women will use the makeup remover once and then dump it into the garbage bin or worse flush it down the toilet. This is terrible as it clogs up the sewage system and can end up in the oceans, where fishes and other marine mammals eat them and suffer. 

How to Clean Your Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

You might be wondering how easy it is to wash your reusable makeup remover pads so you can use them again and again. Don't worry, you don't have to do anything special with most reusable pads. 

Firstly, as soon as you use them, you will want to soak warm water and soap if you use them to clean the mascara. This prevents the mascara from soaking too deep into the pad or cloth. 

Secondly, reusable makeup remover pads, like the ones from Heba Botanica, come with a 100% cotton laundry mesh bag, which you can use to machine wash your remover pads. Just place the reusable pads into the mesh bag and put them in with your regular load of whites.

Don't use fabric softener or bleach, though. Then place them in the sun to dry them out and naturally bleach and sterilize them. 

You can wash your reusable makeup remover pads once a week. Some reusable makeup remover pads can last 200 or so washes, which means you can use them for 10 months to a year without any issues. 

Can you imagine how much money you would save with these? 

Some makeup remover pads are also black (unlike the traditional whites), so you don't have to worry about using them to remove mascara. They won't look stained or dirty like the white ones would. 

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Ready to Switch to Reusable Makeup Remover Pads? 

With all the benefits of reusable makeup remover pads listed above, you should be more than ready to switch over. Heba Botanica has a great product made of bamboo you could use; they will soon become your bathroom's staple.

We also have many other vegan skincare products that you would feel comfortable using on your skin. Shop our body and bath products on our website. Our formulas are 100% plant-based and ethically sourced so you can illuminate your skin while being kind to the planet.

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